Monday, May 7, 2007

President George Bush & Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Los Angeles Needs You To Help Fix The LAUSD School System. (The Politicians Are Playing Politics.

To: President George W. Bush, Governor Arnold Scwarzenegger
Fr: Zuma Dogg
Re: Fixing the LAUSD (Los Angeles School System)
Dt: Now

Dear President Bush and Governor Schwarzenegger,

I know you are both well aware of the current economic and social crisis in Los Angeles, California caused by the broken system called LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District).

Both of you know that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa just spent the past year trying to blow that shady curveball Assembly Bill 1381 (Mayoral control of LAUSD, but it was so shady and unconstitutional (like most of what happens in Los Angeles City Hall, these days) that it got overturned in court (of course).

And now, newly appointed Superintendent David Brewer (who everyone seems to like, thus far) has basically delclared the school system is a COMPLETE disaster, beyone anyone’s wildest imagination.

And now that the Fabian “Nucklehead” Nunez AB 1381 school takeover bill has failed miserably, the politicians are trying to pick up the ball, but they are playing politics. And Zuma Dogg see NO solution in site.

Fellaz...I don’t have to tell you, Los Angeles is about one dropout away from having to be declared a FEDERAL DISASTER ZONE. I know LAUSD certainly should.

But the mayor seems to think just because the school system is more hazardous to public safety than a toxic waste dump -- that means HE should be able to take control. (Which is faulty logic.)

So here is an actual school reform motion, that Antonio Villaraigosa’s office is WELL AWARE of, as is Los Angeles City Council.

But LA City Hall is has kinda become the “Bad News Bears” of politics (see and I wouldn’t trust them to subsitute teach first grade...let alone reform the largest local bueracratic mess in history.

So, can you please take a look at this and pick up the phone and tell these clowns running the City to stop collection campaign contributions for two seconds and DO SOMETHNG. ZUMA DOGG IS DELCARING THE LAUSD SCHOOL SYSTEM A LOCAL DISASTER AREA AND STATE AND FEDERAL EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED IMMEDIATLEY. Just because it is a man made disaster, does not mean this is not a local, state and national emergency demanding your immediate attention.

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